About Miami Law Magazine

About Miami Law Magazine

The University of Miami School of Law redesigned and renamed its annual magazine in 2011. Miami Law Magazine showcases the achievements of students, faculty, and alumni nationally and internationally. It also shares stories of philanthropy and the generous investment alumni and friends make in Miami Law.


The print edition of Miami Law Magazine is mailed free of charge to University of Miami School of Law alumni and friends. To report duplicate copies being mailed to a single address, to update your address, or to receive electronic notice of the publication instead of print, email alumni@law.miami.edu


Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. For more information about permission to reprint Miami Law Magazine content, contact School of Law Communications at lawcommunications@law.miami.edu.


Only internal University of Miami services can be included. External organizations, whether nonprofit or for-profit, may not advertise in Miami Law Magazine.


Contact Miami Law Magazine

University of Miami School of Law
Office of Communications
1311 Miller Drive, Suite F304
Coral Gables, FL 33146

Contact University of Miami Law Alumni & Community Relations

Alma Jennings Foundation Suite
1311 Miller Drive, D-342
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Phone: 305-284-3470 or RSVP Line: 1-866-99UMLAW

University of Miami School of Law Office of Communications

Executive Director for Communications and Public Relations
Lauren Beiley

Director of Media Relations and Public Affairs
Catharine Skipp

Director of Communications
Michelle Valencia

Assistant Director for Digital Strategy
Jonathan Kavalos

Senior Graphic Designer and Project Manager
Elizabeth Estefan
